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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Middle Eastern Student Beaten in Indiana

St. John, Indiana – A school in Indiana is being sued by a Jordanian family because they failed to prevent their son's bullying, which lead him to suffer a severe injury.

Osama and Hind Haddad state in their lawsuit, filed on Monday, that Lake Central High School didn't do anything to protect their son David from seven bullies despite the fact it was brought to their attention.

David is presently being treated for a brain injury, and has trouble with his balance and vision since the school hallway attack that took place on November 8th.

Kenneth Allen, the family's attorney, says the bullying began with verbal attacks such as “Little bin Laden” and “Little Osama” due to his middle name of Osama. Before too long it turned into physical attacks and in January several of the boys tried to get him outside to beat him up. Allen also said “The administration turned a blind eye to threats of violence – to bullying.”

The superintendent of Lake Central School Corp., Lawrence Veracco, has yet to comment about the event.

The Haddads haven't sent their son back to the school after the attack, citing fears for his safety.

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