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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Odd Stories: License Plate

Nebraska - An attorney is taking the state of Nebraska to court so he can have a license plate reading “NE 420”.

Frank Shoemaker asked for the plate from the state's motor vehicle department and was told he wasn't allowed to have it. Beverly Nerth, the director, said the 420 numerals “were used to promote marijuana use, an illegal drug in the state.” She added the combination may also be assumed to represent Adolf Hitler's birth (April 20, 1889), and Colorado's Columbine High School massacre which happened on April 20, 1999.

The American Civil Liberty Union, who is representing Shoemaker, said nothing about the plate is obscene or offensive about the license plate and it's a political statement.”

License plates can be used to express a personal or political statement according to the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, said ALCU's Tracy Hightower-Henne.

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