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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Poor People Bartering for Healthcare in Maine

I see both good and back results coming from this, both of which should be obvious to anyone.

First the good.  I see this as a small step away from the monetary system we currently have in place.  Given that America's economy is down the toilet for good given our current route, this would be a great remedy.  People who are unable to pay for the services they need be it food, shelter, or in this case healthcare, would still be able to get what they need, not continue to be in debt, and help out the person who helped them.  These are all very positive things.

However where I see the bad - and this is a major point as well - is the possible slavery implications.  I am well-aware of the fact slavery was "officially" eradicated thanks to the Constitution but we still have wage slavery in America.  If this alternate way of paying for what one needs becomes part of the overall economic system, I fear it'd be the reinstatement of slavery on a different level.

Am I being a little paranoid here? Please tell me I am.

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