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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eight Soldiers Charged in Death of Fellow Asian Serviceman

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Kabul/New York - The death of Danny Chen is thought have occurred after he was allegedly taunted and bullied by his companions about his heritage.  

The military said it is not only investigating his death but the events surrounding what happened until that point.  Spokesman Chris Grey said of the incident  "You can be sure that United States Army Criminal Investigation Command will continue to conduct a professional and very thorough investigation. We are not releasing any details to the public at this point to protect the integrity of our ongoing investigation."

 On December 21st 400 people, some from Occupy Wall Street, showed support for the family as they demanded answers for Danny's death.  During the event his family read aloud several letters he sent home that showed his feelings of isolation incurred by the harassment he suffered.  One of them read:

"'Feb. 27, 2011: Since I am the only Chinese person here, everyone knows me by Chen.  They ask if I'm from China a few times a day... They also call out my name Chen in a goat-like voice sometimes for no reason.'"

Some of the charges facing the accused are dereliction of duty, involuntary manslaughter, assault, and negligent homicide.  They were moved to another location, undisclosed of course, for their own security.

President of the New York chapter of the Organization of Chinese-Americans Elizabeth OuYang said "Whether suicide or homicide, those responsible for mistreating Danny caused his death. They must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the killing of Danny Chen."

Update on Danny Chen's death:

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