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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Congressional Candidate Arrested for.....What Exactly?

San Diego- Ray Lutz, a Democratic congressional candidate, was arrested by the San Diego Police Department for...something.  He says it's for registering voters and the police claim it's because he was "trespassing and refusing to leave," or something.  After his arrest more than 30 people were registered thanks to other activists who weren't arrested.  Now Lutz is suing the police for the action.  Here is the video.

Apple Juice Deemed Unhealthy

With very few nutrients, a lot of sugar, and lots of calories, it is capable of adding to one's weight and messing up children's teeth. A number of the companies are fortify their juices with vitamins but it doesn't appease New York dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. “If isn't healthy in the first place, adding vitamins doesn't make it into a health food,” referring to fruit juices that are fortified with vitamins.”

"Fruit juice offers no nutritional benefit for infants younger than 6 months" and no benefits over whole fruit for older kids,” says the American Academy of Pediatrics.

There is the also the problem of from where America gets most of its apples. The country only produce 17 percent of its own apple juice. China, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil are the countries who provide the rest.

How strong are the regulations on apple juice? Not very it seems. The Food and Drug Administration said “it will examine the restrictions”.

What does “examine the restrictions” mean? Is this to say they don't know their own restrictions on apple juice? Is anyone asking this question?

Combine these two things: Not knowing their own regulations or if they are healthy for you? This can't reveal anything good at all. University of Wisconsin, Madison professor Dr. Frank Greer says it best. “Whole foods are much better for you.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Senate to Vote on Bill Allowing Unlawful Detainments

Washington D.C. - RT and Democracy Now, unlike CNN, Fox, or MSNBC, reported on a piece of legislation that allows the government to detain anyone they deem a terrorist both domestically and abroad.

Go ahead and re-read that.

If this bill gets through the Senate - it already passed the House in May - it will mean the United States government is declaring the entire world, including the country itself, as a battlefield.

The Obama Administration threatened to veto the bill but knowing the Republican Party they will say he is weak on defense.  With his approval numbers getting worse as time passes, the mainstream news acting like it's true, and the President's obvious lack of a spine, people will believe it although it's not only not true, but accept the narrative as well without looking at the provision that caused him to veto it.

What's really telling is a provision in section 1031, which states:
    (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
      (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
      (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

 For those of you saying "The Republicans are crazy," I have news for you.

Update: Be sure to sign the petition as well as write, phone, protest in front of, or occupy in order to get your point across.

Another update: The Senate voted against the Udall Amendment, which would ban this from happening yet let the rest of the legislation pass. Can you say "police state" everyone?

It was proposed by Michigan Democrat and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services Carl Levin.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rhode Island Encourages Breastfeeding

Providence – Rhode Island's hospitals, in an effort to encourage mothers to breastfeed, are no longer giving away free infant formula.

Citing studies showing breastfeeding is beneficial to both the mother and child, Rhode Island officials are calling the move a vital step toward raising the number of breastfeeding mothers.

Governor Lincoln Chafee said "As the first 'bag-free' state in the nation, Rhode Island will have healthier children, healthier mothers, and a healthier population as a whole. This is a tremendous accomplishment."

Despite what it may seem, Denise Laprade, of Woonsocket's Landmark Medical Center, said the focus is not to force women into nursing but on parental education and helping mothers decide what's best for her and her baby. "We never make any woman feel guilty about her decision," she said, followed by saying she has received few complaints from parents about the new policy.

A “Ban the Bag” campaign say 540 of the 3,300 birthing hospitals stopped giving away formula. Spokeswoman Marsha Walker says the bags are little more than “a sophisticated marketing campaign by formula manufacturers.  Hospitals should market health and nothing else. When hospitals give these out, it looks like an endorsement of a commercial product."

A group representing formula manufacturers, International Formula Council, naturally opposes the move. A statement from the group said “Mothers should be trusted to make good choices for their babies. More than 80 percent of U.S. infants will be given formula at some point during their first year of life ... these educational materials are needed by the vast majority of mothers to ensure infant formula is prepared correctly and the baby's health is not jeopardized." The statement also mentions the bags women are sent home with has “key educational materials” about its use.

The formula will still be available to new mothers who experience difficulties with breastfeeding.

Political Prisoners Freed By United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates - Five political prisoners in the United Arab Emirates are now free after being arrested for insulting members of the country's leadership, endangering national security, and inciting people to protest. One of the activists is an economics professor and another is a blogger.

The activists were arrested after they signed an online petition calling for political reforms. One of the reforms is free elections for parliament.

Nasser bin Gaith, the economics professor, said “I feel happy because I am back with my family, but I also feel ashamed and have deep sorrow for my country. All I can say is that it's a sad moment for our homeland, a beginning of a police state that has tarnished the image of the UAE forever."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Odd Stories: Stay Septical people.

West Palm Beach – A three-person toilet paper scheme the perpetrators in jail.

Officials in Florida say the people involved in the con gained more than a million dollars from the plot. More than a dozen people were told they require special toilet paper to prevent their septic tanks from damage due to a federal regulation on toilet paper. They also sold customers what they call a “Septic Remedy treatment”, which would eliminate their customers' need to purge the tanks. Also available was special soap and detergent.

The trio, Christopher Lincoln, Mary Moore and Joseph Nouerand, plead guilty to the crime of wire fraud and say they will help authorities in obtaining information on another three people. The company under which they operated, FBK Products, presented itself as affiliated with the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture

For the record the EPA does not regulate septic systems despite what the company claims.

They are facing more around 20 years in jail.

Odd Stories: Turkey Killed By Restaurant

Penn Hills, Pennsylvania – A restaurant named Eat'n Park got a free turkey but nobody ordered it. In fact nobody was there.

Police officer Bernard Sestili says a wild turkey weighing 15 pounds crashed through a window of the establishment Thursday afternoon, setting off its security alarm.

It's theorized by Sestili the turkey was roosting when it “got up this morning and went for his morning flight and flew into the window.”

Unfortunately it died.