state of Georgia has for years thrown into jail juveniles who have
committed no crime. But to continue doing so could now cost the state
millions of dollars.
Those spending time in jail are what is known as “status
offenders”—runaways, truants, curfew violators, underage smokers and
drinkers whose actions would not be considered crimes if they were
A study commissioned by the Georgia Governor’s Office for Children and Families has warned that the incarceration of such non-criminal youths could mean losing $2 million a year from the federal government.
Legislation has been introduced in the Georgia legislature that
would overhaul how the state handles status offenders. The bill calls
for creating a new agency, Children in Need of Services, modeled after
what 16 other states have done with their non-criminal youths. The idea
is to redirect these children and teens into community-based services
instead of throwing them behind bars.
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